Welcome to the Puffy Professor

Welcome to an accountability blog. My goal is to find a balance between parenting, working, volunteering and living a healthier life. This blog describes typical struggles but from my own unusual life path.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Long way to go

Up and downs are to be expected. I jumped on the scale this morning to figure out how long my journey will be. It read 7 pounds higher than I expected. I know in my gut I need to monitor and be aware of what I'm eating but skipping the scale allows me to ignore things that are hard to look at. So to get to my goal weight I need to lose 39 pounds. Strange that 30 seemed possible but 40 seems overwhelming. I know everyone has their own journey, some in the hundreds, some in single digits. People fussing over single digits weight gains always annoyed me since I've been at least 20 pounds overweight since I was 12. I can't imagine being within single digits of my goal which is probably why I never get there. I am impressed that people with hundreds of pounds to lose can imagine their whole journey. So I stopped whining and put a leash on my dog and walked her twice around the neighborhood loop. It only took 25 minutes but it's all I had time for and it was better than naught I suppose. That's the up today I guess. That and I'm going to skip popcorn at the movies this evening. I'll just imagine getting a burnt kernel stuck in my gum - ick and ow. 

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